I am Computer Vision / Robotics enthusiast!
I recently got my PhD from TU Darmstadt, my research was mainly focused on strategies to improve camera-based localization accuracy for mobile robots. Previous to that (from 2008 to 2014) I was a lecturer at the Department of Electronics and Circuits at Simón Bolívar University in Caracas, Venezuela and member of the R&D Mechatronics Group. I received my Bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering and my Master’s in Science degree (Mechatronics Specialization) at the Simón Bolívar University.
In 2012 I founded the Wiki Wikitronica as an initiative to consolidate all the knowledge generated in the Electronic Engineering Career at Simón Bolívar University. Also, I am the founder of the Futbot student research group for the study of agents and robots which collaborate in a game of robot soccer, mainly with the goal to be the first Venezuelan team who participates in the Soccer Robot Competition Robocup. In 2013 I was the advisor of a student team (GIATRONICA) for the national robotic competition CSS Bots in the Open Category. This team obtained the first place in that competition.
Recently I founded my own company related to camera calibration (Caliberation) using some of the ideas that I worked during my PhD, we have won several ideas competitions and currently we are working under the EXIST Business Startup Grant provided by the german goverment.

AR Nav
A ROS package for autonomous waypoint navigation of a Crazyflie 2.0 quadcopter using ArUco markers

AR Drone Velocity
Ardrone Velocity is a ROS Package for PID Velocity control of the AR.DRone 2.0 designed to work together with the ardrone_autonomy package.

Potential field navigation for mobile robots

IEEE Robotics competition CCSBOTS 2013
A ROS package for autonomous waypoint navigation of a Crazyflie 2.0 quadcopter using ArUco markers

The robotic soccer team of the Simón Bolívar University

A wiki for the electronic engineering students of the Simón Bolívar University